When disinfecting with ultraviolet lamp, you must pay attention to protecting your eyes. Doctor: Pay attention to this when using it.


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"For more than a month,


Finally got it!"


Recently, the first thing Ms. Hu does when she gets up every day is to refresh her shopping cart, hoping that the goods in it are available. What she was going to buy was a 60-watt household ultraviolet disinfection lamp.


On February 5, the National Health Commission issued the ''New Coronavirus Infected Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment Program (Trial Fifth Edition) ''mentioned that the coronavirus is sensitive to ultraviolet rays and heat, making the market performance has been tepid for many years. The germicidal lamp has become a" net red ".


But the use of ultraviolet lamp is also exquisite


You might get hurt if you're not careful!


In the past two days, a hospital in Shenzhen received three cases of eye burns due to improper use of ultraviolet lamps.

Recently, Ms. Fang, who lives in Pingshan District, Shenzhen, turned on the ultraviolet lamp in the living room and disinfected it for more than an hour. During this time, she was walking in the living room. When I woke up from lunch break in the afternoon, I found that my eyes were a little tingling and tearful.


At that time, she did not think that the discomfort in her eyes might be caused by ultraviolet radiation. She only informed her doctor and friends of the symptoms, and then went to a nearby pharmacy to buy eye drops.


That night, her relative Aunt Hu also put the ultraviolet lamp into the room and disinfected it for 3 hours. Similarly, Aunt Hu did not avoid the disinfected area and continued to walk around the room. Early the next morning, Aunt Hu also had red and swollen eyes, tears, and stinging pain. At this time, they thought that the discomfort of the eyes might be related to the ultraviolet lamp.


So hurried to the hospital eye treatment. After the doctor's examination, it was found that the corneal epithelium of the two people had varying degrees of damage, and eyelid irritation appeared, resulting in conjunctival edema, eyelid edema, and redness and swelling of both eyes. It is indeed due to improper use of ultraviolet light and ultraviolet radiation on the eyes, resulting in electro-optic ophthalmia.



Avoid walking in the area when UV disinfection


According to reports, ultraviolet light has a photochemical effect on the organization, and will damage the eyes and skin. Ultraviolet light causes protein coagulation and degeneration, corneal epithelium necrosis and shedding. It is easy to cause conjunctival congestion and edema, severe foreign body sensation and pain, fear of light and tears, and blurred vision.


Electro-optic ophthalmia caused by ultraviolet radiation usually has an incubation period, the fast one is half an hour later, and the slow one is 6 to 8 hours later. It is difficult for patients to find it on the spot.


After symptomatic treatment, most patients will feel significantly better. If the patient resists discomfort and delays the visit, corneal epithelial damage may lead to further corneal infection and even keratitis.

If your family also bought a UV lamp


The following notes must be kept in mind!



1, the use of ultraviolet disinfection lamp, people and animals and plants must leave the scene, to avoid moving in the area of ultraviolet radiation.


2, the eyes can not stare at the ultraviolet disinfection lamp for a long time. Ultraviolet rays have certain damage to human skin and mucous membranes. When using ultraviolet disinfection lamps, pay attention to protection. The eyes must not look directly at the ultraviolet light source, otherwise the eyes will be damaged.


3. When disinfecting articles with ultraviolet disinfection lamp, spread out or hang the articles, expand the irradiation surface, the effective distance is one meter, and the irradiation can be carried out for about 30 minutes.


4. When using ultraviolet disinfection lamps, the environment should be kept clean, and there should be no dust and water mist in the air. When the indoor temperature is lower than 20 degrees Celsius or the relative humidity exceeds 50%, the irradiation time should be extended. After scrubbing the ground, wait until the ground is dry before ultraviolet lamp disinfection.


After using the ultraviolet disinfection lamp, remember to ventilate for 30 minutes before entering the room.


6. If there is eye discomfort, you should be careful not to rub your eyes with both hands, and go to the hospital in time. Do not use drugs by yourself.

Attention, ultraviolet, disinfection, irradiation, eyes, cause, use, patients, binocular, discomfort